【検証用】一般社団法人 ラテンアメリカ協会
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【Announcement of opening a new site “Interview with Experts”】

As our network expands, opportunities to hear opinions from experts in many fields, such as politics, economics, society and culture, are increasing. Therefore, we open a new site “Interview with Experts”. The site consists of at first, the experts’ brief career and the summary of the interview in English. Then the interview itself is posted with the original language.

Following the interview with Ambassador of Jamaica to Japan, H.E. Ms. Shorna-Kay M. RICHARDS, the Japanese version of which is available in our journal published July 2021 (No.1435), the latest in a series of interviews with key figures in Latin America is with Ambassador of Chile to the European Union H.E. Mr.Patricio Torres (the former Ambassador of Chile to Japan during 2010-2016).

We interviewed Ambassador Torres on the following issues: (i) the impact of Covid-19 in Chile; (ii) the “energy revolution” in Chile; and (iii) the impotance of multilateralism, as well as Chile’s bilateral relations with China and the United States, No.1 and No.2 trade partners respectively. Possible impacts that the disputes between China and the United States might have on Chile are also discussed.

List of Interview with Experts

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